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UK Day 14 - To Penzance

(2022.09.21)  The heart of the day was spent on the train from Bristol Parkway to Penzance.  After arriving I wandered around town a bit, ate dinner, and got some groceries before watching an episode of The Sandman and going to bed.

While waiting for a connecting train in Taunton I met and had a nice chat with Brian.  He likes trains and was just killing time before an appointment at a clinic across the street.  He was in the RAF for a while, stationed at NATO in Brussels, with the job of collating data on the Czech air force.  Interesting story about his role in the discovery of a new Mig fighter that was being deployed there.  Following the RAF he spent several years teaching in Tasmania.

View out the window on the train ride to Penzance.  I'm not sure where.

I met Mickey (the bartender), Andy, and Rocky (not pictured) while getting a pint at the White Lion.  Andy mentioned that he'd been to the US; New York and Florida.  I told him that he missed the best parts.  Andy turned out to be my cashier at the local grocery store the next morning.

A view of St. Michael's Mount, an analog of Mont St. Michel, across the bay from Penzance.

Flowers near where I'm staying.

The rather imposing Lloyd's Bank building in central Penzance.

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