I drove to the coast on Saturday and began listening to the EMyth Mastery audiobook by Michael Gerber. I'm only a few chapters into it but so far it's proving to be a very different book than The Emyth Revisited, which I first read several years ago and have recommended to many people. Mastery dives deeper, at least so far, into what it means to be an entrepreneur. Though he focuses on business creation and building, "entrepreneur" can easily mean anyone who wants to change the world in some way.
Principles, patterns, parables, poems, scenarios, stories and journal. Your thoughts and comments are welcome as long as they're polite. All content on this blog is copyrighted by Lonnie Mandigo or Hawkspring LLC. Use by permission only. You can find earlier posts on lonniemandigo.com. Someday I'll merge the two blogs.
Personal Ontology
Ontology - a set of concepts and categories in a subject area or domain that shows their properties and the relations between them. (from the Google search definition of ontology).
A friend recently alerted me to this ...
If you've been involved with "innovation" in large organizations then there's good stuff here. There's likely a way to systematically decompose these observations. This would be a useful contribution. Subjectively, I can certainly attest to observing these, often as failures, during my time with Hewlett-Packard.
This is definitely in the space of interactions between human society and technology. An area that deserves a lot more systematic attention.
Expectations of Continuity
Lonnie Mandigo - 2023-01-03
I’ve been pondering our expectations of continuity. It’s so fundamental to our behavior that the notion of “behavior” is impossible without it.